Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas with Teenagers

 Decided not to get a real tree this year - save myself one more errand, and a little know how it is. Our first time using this tree. The branches are, apparently, too weak to hold ornaments. Getting the star to stay on top? Yeah - that
 All the gifts, wrapped, ready for the Christmas morning rush. Or whatever. I was a zombie by this time. (I do all this stuff Christmas Eve. It's tradition.)
I think this just about sums it up.
(Teenagers can be really hard to impress.)
But I totally dig Twin2's pj's - don't you? Those are monkeys, wearing sailor caps, in banana boats! I had to go to 3 different stores to find knit fabrics to match the flannel, and it was totally worth it. Now if we could just find him some banana-shaped slippers...
Twin1 is sporting his new Plushalicious, which hides his plain black flannel pj pants. He tells me he overheated himself wearing it to bed Sunday night.

Hope your Christmas was everything you wanted it to be!

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