Monday, January 17, 2011

Year of Ami, week 52, Z is for Zombie!

Wow, can you believe it's been an entire year? I don't know about you, but I learned a LOT about shaping while knitting/crocheting. I feel like I could design just about anything. I could make stuff up as I work, even!

For this last project, I chose a single combo pattern. This little Zombie (rav link) is crocheted, and his/her clothes are knitted.
If you only do one of these things, I guess you'll have either a naked zombie, or some cute clothes you can display on a mini-hanger?
In any case, this project feels like a good fit for my busiest time of year: I tend to feel like a zombie after so many work hours, and, while I crave the creative time, it's more limited than usual.

*pics of my own creations added after-the-fact*

1 comment:

Liz said...

Wow!` Nice job Laurel. You are an inspiration to me. Now you should start creating more of your own designs!! :)