Wednesday, February 3, 2010

it really is "fantastic"!

My boys and I went to the Movies 8 last night (discount Tuesday, because the fact that it's already a dollar movie (or $1.50) isn't cheap enough), and I wanted to see WTWTA, but both of them immediately said "Fantastic Mr Fox" when I suggested the outing. I'd heard good things, and I LOVE Bill Murray (plus, you simply must get as much Bill Murray as you can on Groundhog Day (which I also watched, earlier, at home)), so I wasn't adverse to the idea. And it is a Roald Dahl story, which tends to be a good thing. I just wasn't so sure.

Seriously? Best. Movie. Ever. My hands-down new favorite!

No way to describe it, can't compare it to anything else. Twin1 kept telling me the same thing after seeing it last weekend, but until I saw it, I wasn't sure what he meant. It's "different".

You MUST see this movie! It should be out on DVD soon, since this is it's discount theater run already (just checked as to when - it's not out until Mar 23 - so maybe go see it while you can). I don't know that you'd lose much not seeing it on a big screen, so I won't insist that you run out to see it right away. But please, do yourself a big movie favor, and check it out. Bring the entire "cuss-word" family!

(They do that, the entire movie. They insert "cuss" or "cuss-word" for what otherwise might have been something you don't want the under-12 crowd to hear a lot of, which I thought was hilarious. A lot funnier than "heck" or "darn".)

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