Friday, September 3, 2010

The Other Minion

This little guy wasn't hard at all. I did have to set him aside while I searched out the proper buttons, and then painted them, and then let them dry. So that's what held him up a bit.

Pattern is fine. No problems there at all. I might have liked it better if it had told me exactly where to put the goggles, but that's just me, being finicky. I guess I might have also appreciated having the direction to paint the eyes before you start knitting. Just so they're ready for you to put on, maybe?

I knitted his whole body and then left it un-cinched and un-stuffed while I found buttons and got them painted. I didn't want to leave him half-knit in case that took a while. It wasn't too hard to get up in there and attach the buttons and do the duplicate stitch. I put the glue behind the eyes after he was stuffed, so I'd have some bulk behind there to help support that while it dried.

You can kind of tell that I pulled the yarn a bit much while I was carrying it across in the overalls sections. If this had been something to wear, I probably would have ripped it back and tried again. For a toy, though, I just went with it.

Yarns: LB Wool-Ease in Buttercup, Blue Mist, Black

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