Anyone besides me loving that little leaf? It's genius, I tell you.
Look closely. See? That right there, that's a good reason to know how to both crochet & knit, because I have yet to find a pattern for a leaf that simple, that looks that good, in knitting. Such a simple design, and so easy to crochet, so difficult to knit. I may swap out my knit cherry leaf for a crochet one, it's just so much better. In fact, I may make a crochet leaf for the knit apple. Even from the back, it looks like a leaf.
It looks like the designer just put her leaves sort of tied around the middle-point of that stem, but I sewed mine one, pinching the stem together.
The knit set were still easy, but did anyone besides me get to this point
and think, hey, don't stuff it, add some leaves, and you've got a nice rosebud? Just me? Can you see my (blurry) vision, here? (yup, those crochet leaves again, standing in for rose-leaves)
Or to this point, after stuffing,
and think that if you'd made it in white, with a light green "stem", it could be a green onion? Add some tufty bits on the closed end, make that stem really short, like you'd cut off the tops, or make a handful more on there? Just me again? Okay.
I LOVE the way she has you join the stems at the top, though. Genius, again.
These do take some poking and manipulating to get them to settle into a round cherry shape. I had to fight with mine a bit. But I managed it in the end.
With the i-cord stems, they're stiff enough to stand on their own, unlike the crochet set.
Both sets are in Vanna Baby, Cherry Cherry, with Vanna, Espresso for the stem, and Wool-Ease, Forest for the leaves. (Vanna doesn't make a dark green like that. Yet.)
Both are a little big to use as the "cherry on top" for a sundae, maybe. But you could do them on smaller needles/hooks, in a sport weight, and that might be enough smaller. I might try that, later. I do need some "cherry on top" cherries.
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