Saturday, June 12, 2010

Year of Ami, week 21, U is for...

Unbelievably unique! (and a bit difficult to uncover)

To crochet, a very simple, but also very cute, Ugly Bunny. Use as pincushion is optional.
In case you think I just went looking for anything with "ugly" in the name (even though I did), know that this is after the fashion of the Ugly Dolls. (I have Bop 'n' Beep!)

To knit, we have Captain Underpants! Seriously!
If you never read this series, know that it's not as weird as it sounds. Or, maybe it is, but it's not gross. Well, not in that way, anyway. Sort of juvenile humor, I guess. We were HUGE fans, back when the Twins were in grade school. Even though we are a family of readers, I still credit this series for making Twin2 a reader for life.

*pics of my own creations added after-the-fact*

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