Thursday, August 5, 2010


You know how sometimes, you meant to see a movie when it came out, but somehow, the months passed, and you ended up missing it entirely, even at the dollar movie?
That's what happened for me with Martian Child.
And, I have to say, I wish I hadn't missed it.
Awesome film.
Awesome message.
So many good quotes: "What made you think I'd be a good match for a boy who spends most of his time in a box?" and "I get the argument against bringing another kid into this world, but how do you argue against loving one that's already here?"
Plus, you know, I just adore John Cusack.
(Based on the novelette of the same name, written by David Gerrold, who also wrote The Trouble With Tribbles - rumored to be the most watched Star Trek episode ever. So of course, awesome.)

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